Safety files according to the required specifications of the contractor’s client
The SHE file will illustrate how the contractor plans to manage their risk whilst they conduct their activities on the construction site. It must be customized to the specific construction site and no two files will ever be the same. This allows the client and principal contractor to conduct audits in a methodical manner to ensure that the contractor is carrying out their activities according to the planned methodology. In essence, the Safety File is the entire safety system of that contractor whilst they are working on that construction site.
We manage contractors for our clients using the Safety File as the starting point. If the safety file does not meet the requirements of the client-supplied health and safety specifications, then that contractor may not work on that site. Once the file meets the requirements, they are approved to go on-site for the period applicable to them and the documents in the file. Thereafter, we audit and check up on the safety performance of the contractors for the project period, to ensure that the project stays on time and has no unforeseen stoppages.
We also develop Safety Files for contractors that need them. These files will be made according to the required specifications of the contractor’s client so that the contractor does not need to waste time and money worrying about issues beyond his core business.
We can assist you with the development of this file, our files already have all of the following content, but it is not limited to this only:
- COID Letter of good standing
- Health and Safety Plan
- Health and Safety File
- SHE Policy
- Legal Appointments
- Committee meeting Minutes / Agendas
- Fall Protection Plan
- Inspection Register
- Toolbox talks
- Incident Reports
- Statistical recording and analysis
- Notifications forms for the Department of Labour
- Training Programs
- Audit Program
- Risk Assessments
- Duty to inform mechanisms
- Behavioural Safety management
- Incident Management, Etc.